Kotlin Help

Compatibility guide for Kotlin Multiplatform

This guide summarizes incompatible changes you might encounter while developing projects with Kotlin Multiplatform.

The current Stable version of Kotlin is 2.1.10. Mind the deprecation cycle of a specific change in relation to the Kotlin version you have in your projects, for example:

Version compatibility

When configuring your project, check the compatibility of a particular version of the Kotlin Multiplatform Gradle plugin (same as the Kotlin version in your project) with Gradle, Xcode, and Android Gradle plugin versions:

Kotlin Multiplatform plugin version


Android Gradle plugin






















Kotlin 2.0.0 and later

This section covers incompatible changes that end their deprecation cycle and come into effect in Kotlin 2.0.0−2.1.10.

Java source sets created by default

What's changed?

To align Kotlin Multiplatform with upcoming changes in Gradle, we are phasing out the withJava() function. The withJava() function enabled integration with Gradle's Java plugins by creating the necessary Java source sets. From Kotlin 2.1.20-RC3, these Java source sets are created by default.

What's the best practice now?

Previously, you had to explicitly use the withJava() function to create src/jvmMain/java and src/jvmTest/java source sets:

kotlin { jvm { withJava() } }

From Kotlin 2.1.20-RC3, you can remove the withJava() function from your build script.

In addition, Gradle now only runs Java compile tasks if Java sources are present, triggering a JVM validation diagnostic that previously didn't run before. This diagnostic fails if you explicitly configure an incompatible JVM target for KotlinJvmCompile tasks or inside compilerOptions. For guidance on ensuring JVM target compatibility, see Check for JVM target compatibility of related compile tasks.

If your project uses Gradle versions higher than 8.7 and doesn't rely on Gradle Java plugins, like Java, Java Library, or Application, or a third party Gradle plugin that has a dependency on a Gradle Java plugin, you can remove the withJava() function.

If your project uses the Application Gradle Java plugin, we recommend migrating to the new Experimental DSL. Starting with Gradle 8.7, the Application plugin will no longer work with the Kotlin Multiplatform Gradle plugin.

If you want to use both the Kotlin Multiplatform Gradle plugin and other Gradle plugins for Java in your multiplatform project, see Deprecated compatibility with Kotlin Multiplatform Gradle plugin and Java plugins.

If you run into any issues, report them in our issue tracker or ask for help in our public Slack channel.

When do the changes take effect?

Here's the planned deprecation cycle:

  • Gradle >8.6: introduce a deprecation warning for any previous version of Kotlin in multiplatform projects using the withJava() function.

  • Gradle 9.0: raise this warning to an error.

  • 2.1.20-RC3: introduce a deprecation warning when using the withJava() function with any version of Gradle.

Rename of android target to androidTarget

What's changed?

We continue our efforts to make Kotlin Multiplatform more stable. An essential step in this direction is to provide first-class support for the Android target. In the future, this support will be provided via a separate plugin, developed by the Android team from Google.

To open the way for the new solution, we're renaming the android block to androidTarget in the current Kotlin DSL. This is a temporary change that is necessary to free the short android name for the upcoming DSL from Google.

What's the best practice now?

Rename all the occurrences of the android block to androidTarget. When the new plugin for the Android target support is available, migrate to the DSL from Google. It will be the preferred option to work with Android in Kotlin Multiplatform projects.

When do the changes take effect?

Here's the planned deprecation cycle:

  • 1.9.0: introduce a deprecation warning when the android name is used in Kotlin Multiplatform projects

  • 2.1.0: raise this warning to an error

  • 2.2.0: remove the android target DSL from the Kotlin Multiplatform Gradle plugin

Declaring several similar targets

What's changed?

We discourage declaring several similar targets in a single Gradle project. For example:

kotlin { jvm("jvmKtor") jvm("jvmOkHttp") // Not recommended and produces a deprecation warning }

One popular case is having two related pieces of code together. For example, you might want to use jvm("jvmKtor") and jvm("jvmOkHttp") in your :shared Gradle project to implement networking using the Ktor or OkHttp libraries:

// shared/build.gradle.kts: kotlin { jvm("jvmKtor") { attributes.attribute(/* ... */) } jvm("jvmOkHttp") { attributes.attribute(/* ... */) } sourceSets { val commonMain by getting val commonJvmMain by sourceSets.creating { dependsOn(commonMain) dependencies { // Shared dependencies } } val jvmKtorMain by getting { dependsOn(commonJvmMain) dependencies { // Ktor dependencies } } val jvmOkHttpMain by getting { dependsOn(commonJvmMain) dependencies { // OkHttp dependencies } } } }

The implementation comes with non-trivial configuration complexity:

  • You have to set up Gradle attributes on the :shared side and each consumer's side. Otherwise, Gradle can't resolve dependencies in such projects because without additional information it's not clear whether the consumer should receive the Ktor-based or the OkHttp-based implementation.

  • You have to set up the commonJvmMain source set manually.

  • The configuration involves a handful of low-level Gradle and Kotlin Gradle plugin abstractions and APIs.

What's the best practice now?

The configuration is complex because Ktor-based and OkHttp-based implementations are in the same Gradle project. In many cases, it's possible to extract those parts into separate Gradle projects. Here's a general outline of such as a refactoring:

  1. Replace two duplicated targets from the original project with a single target. If you had a shared source set between these targets, move its sources and configuration to the default source set of the newly created target:

    // shared/build.gradle.kts: kotlin { jvm() sourceSets { jvmMain { // Copy the configuration of jvmCommonMain here } } }
  2. Add two new Gradle projects, usually by calling include in your settings.gradle.kts file. For example:

    include(":okhttp-impl") include(":ktor-impl")
  3. Configure each new Gradle project:

    • Most likely, you don't need to apply the kotlin("multiplatform") plugin, as these projects compile only to one target. In this example, you can apply kotlin("jvm").

    • Move the content of original target-specific source sets to their respective projects, for example, from jvmKtorMain to ktor-impl/src.

    • Copy the configuration of source sets: dependencies, compiler options, and so on.

    • Add a dependency from the new Gradle project to the original project.

    // ktor-impl/build.gradle.kts: plugins { kotlin("jvm") } dependencies { project(":shared") // Add dependency on the original project // Copy dependencies of jvmKtorMain here } kotlin { compilerOptions { // Copy compiler options of jvmKtorMain here } }

While this approach requires more work on the initial setup, it doesn't use any low-level entities of Gradle and the Kotlin Gradle plugin, making it easier to use and maintain the resulting build.

When do the changes take effect?

Here's the planned deprecation cycle:

  • 1.9.20: introduce a deprecation warning when multiple similar targets are used in Kotlin Multiplatform projects

  • 2.1.0: report an error in such cases, except for Kotlin/JS targets; to learn more about this exception, see the issue in YouTrack

Deprecated support of multiplatform libraries published in the legacy mode

What's changed?

Previously, we have deprecated the legacy mode in Kotlin Multiplatform projects preventing the publication of "legacy" binaries and encouraged you to migrate your projects to the hierarchical structure.

To continue phasing out "legacy" binaries from the ecosystem, starting with Kotlin 1.9.0, the use of legacy libraries is also discouraged. If your project uses dependencies on legacy libraries, you'll see the following warning:

The dependency group:artifact:1.0 was published in the legacy mode. Support for such dependencies will be removed in the future

What's the best practice now?

If you use multiplatform libraries, most of them have already migrated to the "hierarchical structure" mode, so you only need to update the library version. See the documentation of the respective libraries for details.

If the library doesn't support non-legacy binaries yet, you can contact the maintainers and tell them about this compatibility issue.

If you're a library author, update the Kotlin Gradle plugin to the latest version and ensure you've fixed the deprecated Gradle properties.

The Kotlin team is eager to help the ecosystem migrate, so if you face any issues, don't hesitate to create an issue in YouTrack.

When do the changes take effect?

Here's the planned deprecation cycle:

  • 1.9: introduce a deprecation warning for dependencies on legacy libraries

  • 2.0: raise the warning for dependencies on legacy libraries to an error

  • >2.0: remove support for dependencies on legacy libraries; using such dependencies can cause build failures

Deprecated Gradle properties for hierarchical structure support

What's changed?

Throughout its evolution, Kotlin was gradually introducing the support for hierarchical structure, in multiplatform projects, an ability to have intermediate source sets between the common source set commonMain and any platform-specific one, for example, jvmMain.

For the transition period, while the toolchain wasn't stable enough, a couple of Gradle properties were introduced, allowing granular opt-ins and opt-outs.

Since Kotlin 1.6.20, the hierarchical project structure support has been enabled by default. However, these properties were kept for opting out in case of blocking issues. After processing all the feedback, we're now starting to phase out those properties completely.

The following properties are now deprecated:

  • kotlin.internal.mpp.hierarchicalStructureByDefault

  • kotlin.mpp.enableCompatibilityMetadataVariant

  • kotlin.mpp.hierarchicalStructureSupport

  • kotlin.mpp.enableGranularSourceSetsMetadata

  • kotlin.native.enableDependencyPropagation

What's the best practice now?

  • Remove these properties from your gradle.properties and local.properties files.

  • Avoid setting them programmatically in the Gradle build scripts or your Gradle plugins.

  • In case deprecated properties are set by some third-party Gradle plugin used in your build, ask the plugin maintainers not to set these properties.

As the default behavior of the Kotlin toolchain doesn't include such properties since 1.6.20, we don't expect any serious impact from removing them. Most possible consequences will be visible immediately after the project rebuild.

If you're a library author and want to be extra safe, check that consumers can work with your library.

When do the changes take effect?

Here's the planned deprecation cycle:

  • 1.8.20: report a warning when these properties are used

  • 1.9.20: raise this warning to an error

  • 2.0: remove these properties; the Kotlin Gradle plugin ignores their usages

In the unlikely case you face some problems after removing these properties, create an issue in YouTrack.

Deprecated target presets API

What's changed?

In the very early development stages, Kotlin Multiplatform introduced an API for working with so-called target presets. Each target preset essentially represented a factory for Kotlin Multiplatform targets. This API turned out to be largely redundant, as DSL functions like jvm() or iosSimulatorArm64() cover the same use cases while being much more straightforward and concise.

To reduce the confusion and provide clearer guidelines, all presets-related APIs are now deprecated and will be removed from the public API of the Kotlin Gradle plugin in future releases. This includes:

  • The presets property in org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.dsl.KotlinMultiplatformExtension

  • The org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.plugin.KotlinTargetPreset interface and all its inheritors

  • The fromPreset overloads

What's the best practice now?

Use respective Kotlin targets instead, for example:



kotlin { targets { fromPreset(presets.iosArm64, 'ios') } }
kotlin { iosArm64() }

When do the changes take effect?

Here's the planned deprecation cycle:

  • 1.9.20: report a warning on any usages of the presets-related API

  • 2.0: raise this warning to an error

  • >2.0: remove the presets-related API from the public API of the Kotlin Gradle plugin; sources that still use it fail with "unresolved reference" errors, and binaries (for example, Gradle plugins) might fail with linkage errors unless recompiled against the latest versions of the Kotlin Gradle plugin

Deprecated Apple target shortcuts

What's changed?

We're deprecating ios(), watchos(), and tvos() target shortcuts in Kotlin Multiplatform DSL. They were designed to partially create a source set hierarchy for Apple targets. However, they proved to be difficult to expand and sometimes confusing.

For example, the ios() shortcut created both the iosArm64 and iosX64 targets but didn't include the iosSimulatorArm64 target, which is necessary when working on hosts with Apple M chips. However, changing this shortcut was hard to implement and could cause issues in existing user projects.

What's the best practice now?

The Kotlin Gradle plugin now provides a built-in hierarchy template. Since Kotlin 1.9.20, it's enabled by default and contains predefined intermediate source sets for popular use cases.

Instead of shortcuts, you should specify the list of targets, and then the plugin automatically sets up intermediate source sets based on this list.

For example, if you have iosArm64 and iosSimulatorArm64 targets in your project, the plugin automatically creates the iosMain and iosTest intermediate source sets. If you have iosArm64 and macosArm64 targets, the appleMain and appleTest source sets are created.

For more information, see Hierarchical project structure

When do the changes take effect?

Here's the planned deprecation cycle:

  • 1.9.20: report a warning when ios(), watchos(), and tvos() target shortcuts are used; the default hierarchy template is enabled by default instead

  • 2.1.0: report an error when target shortcuts are used

  • 2.2.0: remove target shortcut DSL from the Kotlin Multiplatform Gradle plugin

Incorrect version of iOS framework after Kotlin upgrade

What's the issue?

Changes in Kotlin code might not be reflected in the iOS app in Xcode when direct integration is used. The direct integration is set up with the embedAndSignAppleFrameworkForXcode task, which connects the iOS framework from your multiplatform project to the iOS app in Xcode.

This can happen when you upgrade the Kotlin version from 1.9.2x to 2.0.0 in your multiplatform project (or downgrade it from 2.0.0 to 1.9.2x), then make changes in Kotlin files and try building the app, Xcode may incorrectly use the previous version of the iOS framework. So, the changes won't be visible in the iOS app in Xcode.

What's the workaround?

  1. In Xcode, clean build directories using Product | Clean Build Folder.

  2. In the terminal, run the following command:

    ./gradlew clean
  3. Build the app again to ensure that the new version of the iOS framework is used.

When will the issue be fixed?

We're planning to fix this issue in Kotlin 2.0.10. You can check if any preview versions of Kotlin 2.0.10 are already available in the Participate in the Kotlin Early Access Preview section.

For more information, see the corresponding issue in YouTrack.

Kotlin 1.9.0−1.9.25

This section covers incompatible changes that end their deprecation cycle and come into effect in Kotlin 1.9.0−1.9.25.

Deprecated API for adding Kotlin source sets directly to the Kotlin compilation

What's changed?

The access to KotlinCompilation.source has been deprecated. A code like this produces a deprecation warning:

kotlin { jvm() js() iosArm64() iosSimulatorArm64() sourceSets { val commonMain by getting val myCustomIntermediateSourceSet by creating { dependsOn(commonMain) } targets["jvm"].compilations["main"].source(myCustomIntermediateSourceSet) } }

What's the best practice now?

To replace KotlinCompilation.source(someSourceSet), add the dependsOn relation from the default source set of the KotlinCompilation to someSourceSet. We recommend referring to the source directly using by getting, which is shorter and more readable. However, you can also use KotlinCompilation.defaultSourceSet.dependsOn(someSourceSet), which is applicable in all cases.

You can change the code above in one of the following ways:

kotlin { jvm() js() iosArm64() iosSimulatorArm64() sourceSets { val commonMain by getting val myCustomIntermediateSourceSet by creating { dependsOn(commonMain) } // Option #1. Shorter and more readable, use it when possible. // Usually, the name of the default source set // is a simple concatenation of the target name and the compilation name: val jvmMain by getting { dependsOn(myCustomIntermediateSourceSet) } // Option #2. Generic solution, use it if your build script requires a more advanced approach: targets["jvm"].compilations["main"].defaultSourceSet.dependsOn(myCustomIntermediateSourceSet) } }

When do the changes take effect?

Here's the planned deprecation cycle:

  • 1.9.0: introduce a deprecation warning when KotlinComplation.source is used

  • 1.9.20: raise this warning to an error

  • >1.9.20: remove KotlinComplation.source from the Kotlin Gradle plugin, attempts to use it lead to "unresolved reference" errors during the buildscript compilation

Migration from kotlin-js Gradle plugin to kotlin-multiplatform Gradle plugin

What's changed?

Starting with Kotlin 1.9.0, the kotlin-js Gradle plugin is deprecated. Basically, it duplicated the functionality of the kotlin-multiplatform plugin with the js() target and shared the same implementation under the hood. Such overlap created confusion and increased maintenance load on the Kotlin team. We encourage you to migrate to the kotlin-multiplatform Gradle plugin with the js() target instead.

What's the best practice now?

  1. Remove the kotlin-js Gradle plugin from your project and apply kotlin-multiplatform in the settings.gradle.kts file if you're using the pluginManagement {} block:

    // settings.gradle.kts: pluginManagement { plugins { // Remove the following line: kotlin("js") version "1.9.0" } repositories { // ... } }
    // settings.gradle.kts: pluginManagement { plugins { // Add the following line instead: kotlin("multiplatform") version "1.9.0" } repositories { // ... } }

    In case you're using a different way of applying plugins, see the Gradle documentation for migration instructions.

  2. Move your source files from the main and test folders to the jsMain and jsTest folders in the same directory.

  3. Adjust dependency declarations:

    • We recommend using the sourceSets {} block and configuring dependencies of respective source sets, jsMain {} for production dependencies and jsTest {} for test dependencies. See Adding dependencies for more details.

    • However, if you want to declare your dependencies in a top-level block, change declarations from api("group:artifact:1.0") to add("jsMainApi", "group:artifact:1.0") and so on.

    You can change the code in your build.gradle.kts file in one of the following ways:

    // build.gradle.kts: plugins { kotlin("js") version "1.9.0" } dependencies { testImplementation(kotlin("test")) implementation("org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-html:0.8.0") } kotlin { js { // ... } }
    // build.gradle.kts: plugins { kotlin("multiplatform") version "1.9.0" } kotlin { js { // ... } // Option #1. Declare dependencies in the sourceSets {} block: sourceSets { val jsMain by getting { dependencies { // No need for the js prefix here, you can just copy and paste it from the top-level block implementation("org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-html:0.8.0") } } } } dependencies { // Option #2. Add the js prefix to the dependency declaration: add("jsTestImplementation", kotlin("test")) }
  4. The DSL provided by the Kotlin Gradle plugin inside the kotlin {} block remains unchanged in most cases. However, if you were referring to low-level Gradle entities, like tasks and configurations, by names, you now need to adjust them, usually by adding the js prefix. For example, you can find the browserTest task under the name jsBrowserTest.

When do the changes take effect?

In 1.9.0, the use of the kotlin-js Gradle plugin produces a deprecation warning.

Deprecated jvmWithJava preset

What's changed?

targetPresets.jvmWithJava is deprecated, and its usage is discouraged.

What's the best practice now?

Use jvm { withJava() } target instead. Note that after switching to jvm { withJava() }, you'll need to adjust the paths to source directories with .java sources.

For example, if you use a jvm target with the default name "jvm":







When do the changes take effect?

Here's the planned deprecation cycle:

  • 1.3.40: introduce a warning when targetPresets.jvmWithJava is used

  • 1.9.20: raise this warning to an error

Deprecated legacy Android source set layout

What's changed?

The new Android source set layout is used by default since Kotlin 1.9.0. Support for the legacy layout is deprecated, and the use of the kotlin.mpp.androidSourceSetLayoutVersion Gradle property now triggers a deprecation diagnostic.

When do the changes take effect?

Here's the planned deprecation cycle:

  • <=1.9.0: report a warning when kotlin.mpp.androidSourceSetLayoutVersion=1 is used; the warning can be suppressed with kotlin.mpp.androidSourceSetLayoutVersion1.nowarn=true Gradle property

  • 1.9.20: raise this warning to an error; the error cannot be suppressed

  • >1.9.20: remove support for kotlin.mpp.androidSourceSetLayoutVersion=1; the Kotlin Gradle plugin ignores the property

Deprecated commonMain and commonTest with custom dependsOn

What's changed?

The commonMain and commonTest source sets usually represent the roots of the main and test source set hierarchies, respectively. However, it was possible to override that by manually configuring dependsOn relations of these source sets.

Maintaining such configuration requires extra effort and knowledge about multiplatform build internals. Additionally, it decreases code readability and reusability of the code because you need to read the particular buildscript to be sure whether commonMain is the root of the main source set hierarchy.

Therefore, accessing dependsOn on commonMain and commonTest is now deprecated.

What's the best practice now?

Suppose you need to migrate to 1.9.20 the customCommonMain source set that uses commonMain.dependsOn(customCommonMain). In most cases, customCommonMain participates in the same compilations as commonMain, so you can merge customCommonMain into commonMain:

  1. Copy sources of customCommonMain into commonMain.

  2. Add all dependencies of customCommonMain to commonMain.

  3. Add all compiler option settings of customCommonMain to commonMain.

In rare cases, customCommonMain might be participating in more compilations than commonMain. Such a configuration requires additional low-level configuration of the build script. If you're not sure if that's your use case, it most likely isn't.

If it is your use case, "swap" these two source sets by moving the sources and settings of customCommonMain to commonMain and vice versa.

When do the changes take effect?

Here's the planned deprecation cycle:

  • 1.9.0: report a warning when dependsOn is used in commonMain

  • >=1.9.20: report an error when dependsOn is used in commonMain or commonTest

New approach to forward declarations

What's changed?

The JetBrains team has revamped the approach to forward declarations in Kotlin to make their behavior more predictable:

  • You can only import forward declarations using the cnames or objcnames packages.

  • You need to explicitly make a cast to and from the corresponding C and Objective-C forward declaration.

What's the best practice now?

  • Consider a C library with a library.package that declares a cstructName forward declaration. Previously, it was possible to import it directly from the library with import library.package.cstructName. Now, you can only use a special forward declaration package for that: import cnames.structs.cstructName. The same is true for objcnames.

  • Consider two objcinterop libraries: one that uses objcnames.protocols.ForwardDeclaredProtocolProtocol and another that has an actual definition:

    // First objcinterop library #import <Foundation/Foundation.h> @protocol ForwardDeclaredProtocol; NSString* consumeProtocol(id<ForwardDeclaredProtocol> s) { return [NSString stringWithUTF8String:"Protocol"]; }
    // Second objcinterop library // Header: #import <Foundation/Foundation.h> @protocol ForwardDeclaredProtocol @end // Implementation: @interface ForwardDeclaredProtocolImpl : NSObject <ForwardDeclaredProtocol> @end id<ForwardDeclaredProtocol> produceProtocol() { return [ForwardDeclaredProtocolImpl new]; }

    Previously, it was possible to transfer objects between them seamlessly. Now, an explicit as cast is required for the forward declaration:

    // Kotlin code: fun test() { consumeProtocol(produceProtocol() as objcnames.protocols.ForwardDeclaredProtocolProtocol) }

When do the changes take effect?

Starting with Kotlin 1.9.20, you need to explicitly make a cast to and from the corresponding C and Objective-C forward declarations. Also, it's now only possible to import forward declarations by using special packages.

Kotlin 1.7.0−1.8.22

This section covers incompatible changes that end their deprecation cycle and come into effect in Kotlin 1.7.0−1.8.22.

Deprecated compatibility with Kotlin Multiplatform Gradle plugin and Gradle Java plugins

What's changed?

Due to compatibility issues between the Kotlin Multiplatform Gradle plugin and the Gradle plugins Java, Java Library, and Application, there is now a deprecation warning when you apply these plugins to the same project. The warning also appears when another Gradle plugin in your multiplatform project applies a Gradle Java plugin. For example, the Spring Boot Gradle Plugin automatically applies the Application plugin. In future Kotlin releases, the warning will be increased to an error.

We've added this deprecation warning due to fundamental compatibility issues between Kotlin Multiplatform's project model and Gradle's Java ecosystem plugins. Gradle's Java ecosystem plugins currently don't take into account that other plugins may:

  • Also publish or compile for the JVM target in a different way than the Java ecosystem plugins.

  • Have two different JVM targets in the same project, such as JVM and Android.

  • Have a complex multiplatform project structure with potentially multiple non-JVM targets.

Unfortunately, Gradle doesn't currently provide any API to address these issues.

We previously used some workarounds in Kotlin Multiplatform to help with the integration of Java ecosystem plugins. However, these workarounds never truly solved the compatibility issues, and since the release of Gradle 8.8, these workarounds are no longer possible. For more information, see our YouTrack issue.

While we don't yet know exactly how to resolve this compatibility problem, we are committed to continuing support for some form of Java source compilation in your Kotlin Multiplatform projects. At a minimum, we will support the compilation of Java sources and using Gradle's java-base plugin within your multiplatform projects.

What's the best practice now?

If you see this deprecation warning in your multiplatform project, we recommend that you:

  1. Determine whether you actually need the Gradle Java plugin in your project. If not, consider removing it.

  2. Check if the Gradle Java plugin is only used for a single task. If so, you might be able to remove the plugin without much effort. For example, if the task uses a Gradle Java plugin to create a Javadoc JAR file, you can define the Javadoc task manually instead.

Otherwise, if you want to use both the Kotlin Multiplatform Gradle plugin and these Gradle plugins for Java in your multiplatform project, we recommend that you:

  1. Create a separate subproject in your Gradle project.

  2. In the separate subproject, apply the Gradle plugin for Java.

  3. In the separate subproject, add a dependency on your parent multiplatform project.

For example, you have a multiplatform project called my-main-project and you want to use the Java Library Gradle plugin.

Once you've created a subproject, let's call it subproject-A, your parent project structure should look like this:

. ├── build.gradle ├── settings.gradle.kts ├── subproject-A └── build.gradle.kts └── src └── Main.java

In your subproject's build.gradle.kts file, apply the Java Library plugin in the plugins {} block:

plugins { id("java-library") }
plugins { id('java-library') }

In your subproject's build.gradle.kts file, add a dependency on your parent multiplatform project:

dependencies { implementation(project(":my-main-project")) // The name of your parent multiplatform project }
dependencies { implementation project(':my-main-project') // The name of your parent multiplatform project }

Your parent project is now set up to work with both plugins.

New approach to auto-generated targets

What's changed?

Target accessors auto-generated by Gradle are no longer available inside the kotlin.targets {} block. Use the findByName("targetName") method instead.

Note that such accessors are still available in the kotlin.targets {} case, for example, kotlin.targets.linuxX64.

What's the best practice now?



kotlin { targets { configure(['windows', 'linux']) { } } }
kotlin { targets { configure([findByName('windows'), findByName('linux')]) { } } }

When do the changes take effect?

In Kotlin 1.7.20, an error is introduced when using target accessors in the kotlin.targets {} block.

For more information, see the corresponding issue in YouTrack.

Changes in Gradle input and output compile tasks

What's changed?

Kotlin compile tasks no longer inherit the Gradle AbstractCompile task that has the sourceCompatibility and targetCompatibility inputs, making them unavailable in Kotlin users' scripts.

Other breaking changes in compile tasks:

What's the best practice now?



The SourceTask.stableSources input is no longer available.

Use the sources input instead. Also, the setSource() methods are still available.

The sourceFilesExtensions input was removed.

Compile tasks still implement the PatternFilterable interface. Use its methods for filtering Kotlin sources.

The Gradle destinationDir: File output was deprecated.

Use the destinationDirectory: DirectoryProperty output instead.

The classpath property of the KotlinCompile task is deprecated.

All compile tasks now use the libraries input for a list of libraries required for compilation.

When do the changes take effect?

In Kotlin 1.7.20, inputs are not available, the output is replaced, and the classpath property is deprecated.

For more information, see the corresponding issue in YouTrack.

New configuration names for dependencies on the compilation

What's changed?

Compilation configurations created by the Kotlin Multiplatform Gradle Plugin received new names.

A target in the Kotlin Multiplatform project has two default compilations, main and test. Each of these compilations has its own default source set, for example, jvmMain and jvmTest. Previously the configuration names for the test compilation and its default source set were the same, which might lead to a name clash resulting in issues when a configuration marked with platform-specific attributes is included in another configuration.

Now compilation configurations have an extra Compilation postfix, while projects and plugins that use old hard-coded configuration names no longer compile.

Configuration names for dependencies on the corresponding source set stay the same.

What's the best practice now?



Dependencies of the jvmMain compilation

dependencies { add("jvmImplementation", "foo.bar.baz:1.2.3") }
dependencies { add("jvmCompilationImplementation", "foo.bar.baz:1.2.3") }

Dependencies of the jvmMain source set


Dependencies of the jvmTest compilation


Dependencies of the jvmTest source set


The available scopes are Api, Implementation, CompileOnly, and RuntimeOnly.

When do the changes take effect?

In Kotlin 1.8.0, an error is introduced when using old configuration names in hard-coded strings.

For more information, see the corresponding issue in YouTrack.

Last modified: 19 February 2025