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Kotlin/JS IR compiler

The Kotlin/JS IR compiler backend is the main focus of innovation around Kotlin/JS, and paves the way forward for the technology.

Rather than directly generating JavaScript code from Kotlin source code, the Kotlin/JS IR compiler backend leverages a new approach. Kotlin source code is first transformed into a Kotlin intermediate representation (IR), which is subsequently compiled into JavaScript. For Kotlin/JS, this enables aggressive optimizations, and allows improvements on pain points that were present in the previous compiler, such as generated code size (through dead code elimination), and JavaScript and TypeScript ecosystem interoperability, to name some examples.

The IR compiler backend is available starting with Kotlin 1.4.0 through the Kotlin Multiplatform Gradle plugin. To enable it in your project, pass a compiler type to the js function in your Gradle build script:

kotlin { js(IR) { // or: LEGACY, BOTH // ... binaries.executable() // not applicable to BOTH, see details below } }
  • IR uses the new IR compiler backend for Kotlin/JS.

  • LEGACY uses the old compiler backend.

  • BOTH compiles your project with the new IR compiler as well as the default compiler backend. Use this mode for authoring libraries compatible with both backends.

The compiler type can also be set in the gradle.properties file, with the key kotlin.js.compiler=ir. This behaviour is overwritten by any settings in the build.gradle(.kts), however.

Lazy initialization of top-level properties

For better application startup performance, the Kotlin/JS IR compiler initializes top-level properties lazily. This way, the application loads without initializing all the top-level properties used in its code. It initializes only the ones needed at startup; other properties receive their values later when the code that uses them actually runs.

val a = run { val result = // intensive computations println(result) result } // value is computed upon the first usage

If for some reason you need to initialize a property eagerly (upon the application start), mark it with the @EagerInitialization annotation.

Incremental compilation for development binaries

The JS IR compiler provides the incremental compilation mode for development binaries that speeds up the development process. In this mode, the compiler caches the results of compileDevelopmentExecutableKotlinJs Gradle task on the module level. It uses the cached compilation results for unchanged source files during subsequent compilations, making them complete faster, especially with small changes.

Incremental compilation is enabled by default. To disable incremental compilation for development binaries, add the following line to the project's gradle.properties or local.properties:

kotlin.incremental.js.ir=false // true by default

Output mode

You can choose how the JS IR compiler outputs .js files in your project:

  • One per module. By default, the JS compiler outputs separate .js files for each module of a project as a compilation result.

  • One per project. You can compile the whole project into a single .js file by adding the following line to gradle.properties:

    kotlin.js.ir.output.granularity=whole-program // 'per-module' is the default
  • One per file. You can set up a more granular output that generates one (or two, if the file contains exported declarations) JavaScript file per each Kotlin file. To enable the per-file compilation mode:

    1. Add the useEsModules() function to your build file to support ECMAScript modules:

      // build.gradle.kts kotlin { js(IR) { useEsModules() // Enables ES2015 modules browser() } }

      Alternatively, you can use the es2015 compilation target to support ES2015 features in your project.

    2. Apply the -Xir-per-file compiler option or update your gradle.properties file with:

      # gradle.properties kotlin.js.ir.output.granularity=per-file // `per-module` is the default

Minification of member names in production

The Kotlin/JS IR compiler uses its internal information about the relationships of your Kotlin classes and functions to apply more efficient minification, shortening the names of functions, properties, and classes. This reduces the size of resulting bundled applications.

This type of minification is automatically applied when you build your Kotlin/JS application in production mode, and enabled by default. To disable member name minification, use the -Xir-minimized-member-names compiler option:

kotlin { js(IR) { compilations.all { compileTaskProvider.configure { compilerOptions.freeCompilerArgs.add("-Xir-minimized-member-names=false") } } } }

Preview: generation of TypeScript declaration files (d.ts)

The Kotlin/JS IR compiler is capable of generating TypeScript definitions from your Kotlin code. These definitions can be used by JavaScript tools and IDEs when working on hybrid apps to provide autocompletion, support static analyzers, and make it easier to include Kotlin code in JavaScript and TypeScript projects.

If your project produces executable files (binaries.executable()), the Kotlin/JS IR compiler collects any top-level declarations marked with @JsExport and automatically generates TypeScript definitions in a .d.ts file.

If you want to generate TypeScript definitions, you have to explicitly configure this in your Gradle build file. Add generateTypeScriptDefinitions() to your build.gradle.kts file in the js section. For example:

kotlin { js { binaries.executable() browser { } generateTypeScriptDefinitions() } }

The definitions can be found in build/js/packages/<package_name>/kotlin alongside the corresponding un-webpacked JavaScript code.

Current limitations of the IR compiler

A major change with the new IR compiler backend is the absence of binary compatibility with the default backend. A library created with the new IR compiler uses a klib format and can't be used from the default backend. In the meantime, a library created with the old compiler is a jar with js files, which can't be used from the IR backend.

If you want to use the IR compiler backend for your project, you need to update all Kotlin dependencies to versions that support this new backend. Libraries published by JetBrains for Kotlin 1.4+ targeting Kotlin/JS already contain all artifacts required for usage with the new IR compiler backend.

If you are a library author looking to provide compatibility with the current compiler backend as well as the new IR compiler backend, additionally check out the section about authoring libraries for the IR compiler section.

The IR compiler backend also has some discrepancies in comparison to the default backend. When trying out the new backend, it's good to be mindful of these possible pitfalls.

  • Some libraries that rely on specific characteristics of the default backend, such as kotlin-wrappers, can display some problems. You can follow the investigation and progress on YouTrack.

  • The IR backend does not make Kotlin declarations available to JavaScript by default at all. To make Kotlin declarations visible to JavaScript, they must be annotated with @JsExport.

Migrating existing projects to the IR compiler

Due to significant differences between the two Kotlin/JS compilers, making your Kotlin/JS code work with the IR compiler may require some adjustments. Learn how to migrate existing Kotlin/JS projects to the IR compiler in the Kotlin/JS IR compiler migration guide.

Authoring libraries for the IR compiler with backwards compatibility

If you're a library maintainer who is looking to provide compatibility with the default backend as well as the new IR compiler backend, a setting for the compiler selection is available that allows you to create artifacts for both backends, allowing you to keep compatibility for your existing users while providing support for the next generation of Kotlin compiler. This so-called both-mode can be turned on using the kotlin.js.compiler=both setting in your gradle.properties file, or can be set as one of the project-specific options inside your js block inside the build.gradle(.kts) file:

kotlin { js(BOTH) { // ... } }

When in both mode, the IR compiler backend and default compiler backend are both used when building a library from your sources (hence the name). This means that both klib files with Kotlin IR as well as jar files for the default compiler will be generated. When published under the same Maven coordinate, Gradle will automatically choose the right artifact depending on the use case – js for the old compiler, klib for the new one. This enables you to compile and publish your library for projects that are using either of the two compiler backends.

Last modified: 25 December 2024